Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Qaadhaan shaqaalaha Qaramada Midoobay guddoonsiiyeen Guddida Abaaraha Somaliland

Xubno metelaya UNICFE, WFP, UNHCR, UNDP, FAO, UN-Habitat iyo Xafiiska Isu-duwaha Qaramada Midoobay ayaa maanta Guddida Abaaraha ee Somaliland guddoonsiiyey lacag dhan $7000.
Lacagtan ayaa ah qaadhaan ka yimid shaqaalaha caalamiga ah iyo kuwa maxalliga ah oo mushaharkooda ka soo jaray, iyadoo shaqaalahani ay marar horena si gaar ah lacago ugu deeqaan gurmadka abaaraha.
Gavin Roy oo ka socday Xafiiska Isu-Duwaha Qaramada Midoobay oo ka hadlay madashii lacagta lagu wareejinayey ayaa yidhi “Qaadhaankani wuxu astaan u yahay sida ay shaqaalaha Qaramada Midoobay uga go’an tahay in ay caawiyaan dadka ay abaaruhu saameeyeen ee Somaliland iyadoo sidoo kale ay shaqaalaha Qaramada Midoobay qabtaan shaqo aad u adag oo lagaga hor tagayo macaluul ka dhalan karta abaaraha. Wasiirka Diinta iyo Awqaafta Md. Sheekh Khaliil Cabdillaahi Axmed ayaa Qaramada Midoobay uga mahad celiyey qaadhaankan ay shaqaalahoodu iska soo ururiyeen iyo guud ahaan korodhka ay ku sameeyeen taageerada la siinayo dadka abaaruhu saameeyeen. Wuxu Wasiirku sheegay in uu sidoo kale jiray qaadhaan kan ka horreeyey oo $1700 ahaa oo ay shaqaalaha UNDO, UNFPA, UNDSS, OCHA iyo RCO guddoonsiiyeen Guddida Abaaraha. Wareejinta qaadhaankan shakhsiga ah ka sokow, xubnahan metelayey Qaramada Midoobay waxay Guddida Abaaraha uga warrameen shaqada dhinaca gurmadka abaaraha la xidhiidha ee ay Qaramada Midoobay qabato iyagoo xusay in Qaramada Midoobay ay si adag uga shaqaynayaan sidii loo heli lahaa dhaqaale lagu dardar geliyo hawlaha gurmadka, gaar ahaan hawlaha la xidhiidhiya in dadka la gaadhsiiyo biyo nadiif ah, nafaqo, lacag kaash ah, gargaar caafimaad oo degdeg ah, hoy ay galaan, ilaalinta nabadqabkooda iyo agabyada beeraha oo loo qaybiyo beeralayda. Si aad wax badan uga ogaato hawlaha gurmadka abaaraha ee ay Qaramada Midoobay qabtao, fadlan la soco boggayaga “UN in Somaliland” oo link-giisu yahay. https://www.facebook.com/UnitedNationsSomaliland/# =================================================================== UN Staff Donation to Somaliland Drought Response Committee Representatives of UNICEF, WFP, UNCHR, UNDP, FAO, UN-Habitat, and the Resident Coordinator’s Office today delivered a donation to the National Drought Response Committee totaling USD $ 7000. The donation represents a personal contribution from the salaries of international and national UN staff based in Hargeisa, a lot of whom have also separately donated to the drought response. Speaking at the handover event, Gavin Roy of the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office noted that “this contribution is a symbol of the personal commitment of UN staff in Somaliland to do our utmost to help persons affected by the drought in Somaliland, and comes above and beyond the long hours and dedicated work that all UN staff are doing to prevent famine”. H.E. Sheikh Khalif Abdillahi Ahmed, Minister of Religious Affairs thanked the UN for passing on the personal contribution to the Drought Committee and for the overall increased assistance that is being given to assist people affected by the drought. He noted that this donation was in addition to the USD $1700 that staff UNDP, UNFPA, UNDSS, OCHA, and RCO recently gave to the Drought Committee. In addition to this personal contribution, representatives of the UN agencies briefed the Drought Committee members on their work to respond to the drought, noting that the UN is working hard to both mobilise funds and scale up response, in particular in relation to the provision of clean water, nutrition, cash assistance, emergency health and shelter, protection services, and distribution of agriculture packages to farmers. To learn more about the UN’s ongoing response to the drought, please follow the UN in Somaliland’s facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/UnitedNationsSomaliland/#

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